Swipeshow is an unassuming touch-enabled JavaScript slideshow.
jQuery Mobile Date Navigation plugin provides a navigation between date range, either by a defined range (week, month and year). Ideal for querying information accurately by AJAX calls.
sliderbutton plugin provides a button which is triggered by sliding a handle to the side. This is a simple technique to avoid accidentally pressing a button.
The plugin is based on the jQuery UI/Mobile slider widget. Since this widget differs in its implementation in jQuery UI and jQuery mobile.
Minical is a tiny datepicker plugin, with no dependencies other than its icon PNG and stylesheet (which has SASS variables for easy customization).
It has full keyboard support and also defaults to make the associated input read-only, so its value can only be changed by the date format specified in the plugin. It also works great in iOS, with just enough touch event handling to behave properly.
Mobi Pick is an Android-style datepicker widget for jQuery Mobile. It uses the date library XDate and allows progressive enhancement for date input fields using Modernizr.
Touch Box is a jQuery plugin that brings resize, drag & rotate features to iPad and other touch devices for DOM elements.
Touch box enabled the user to resize, drag or rotate elements of your choice on the site. This could be images, windows or design elements.
jQuery Slider is easy to use and multifunctional jQuery plugin that supports any webkit based touch mobile devices such as iPhone/iPod/iPad and Android.
Plugin and tutorial about creating iPhone style dragging for desktop and mobile with jQuery and HTML5.
Article about lists of jQuery plugins that handle touch events.
jQRangeSlider is a powerful slider for selecting value ranges, supporting dates, touch devices and more.
Portfoliojs is a lightweight jQuery gallery plugin for your beautiful images with horizontal scrolling which supports desktop, tablet and mobile browsers.
Use jQuery to create iOS-like App Folders on any website. They can contain any content and be styled in any way.
nanoScroller.js is a jQuery plugin that offers a simplistic way of implementing Mac OS X Lion-styled scrollbars for your website. It uses minimal HTML markup being .nano > .content.
The other scrollbar div elements .pane > .slider
are added during run time to prevent clutter in templating.
The latest version utilizes native scrolling and works with the iPad, iPhone, and some Android Tablets.
iScroll 4 is a complete rewrite of the original iScroll code. The script development began because mobile webkit (on iPhone, iPad, Android) does not provide a native way to scroll content inside a fixed width/height element. This unfortunate situation prevents any web-app to have a position:absolute header and/or footer and a scrolling central area for contents.